When player talk to followers during sneaking, followers also continue to sneaking (not stand up).įixed Idle Animation (LooseSmokingStanding). These might be "playable", but I was to be able to control from the conversation. However if you need, it is removable (can add and remove) in the conversation. In fact, they will return to the location indicated in the message.Ĭompanion's default weapons ammunition is unlimited. In short, this feature is the same as vanilla. At that time, they will not return to their new home marker even if you set new home marker. In the vanilla, follower will return to their original location when player start the dlc quest. If you set a new home marker, you can choose new home ("go to new home and relax") or vanilla home (default dialog) in the conversation when you dismiss follower. Home marker can be set only one place in each follower. If follower dies, items will be transferred to their inventory. If turn off the backpack, "Open your backpack" dialogue is removed but items will not disappear. If turn on the backpack, You can order to "Open your backpack" followers (except creature companion). Followers will be synchronized with the player actions at close range. They guard on the spot in weapon drawn state. If player and followers are weapon drawn state, and order "wait here" to followers. and considering the time of switching weapons by player. For example, if player's health falls below 33% during the combat, followers start combat. However, ignore combat will excluded in the following situations: player's health below 33% (default) or 50% or 75%, wait state, relax state, not hired. They will sneak state until the end of combat (except creature companion). If turn on the ignore combat, followers will not participate in combat. You can track follower that you have hired once. This new item will display followers position on the map. When they do not follow the player, this item is useful. This new item will teleport followers near the player. You can add and remove the default armor and weapon in the conversation (except Dogmeat, R元). You can set on/off new home marker to current player position in the conversation. You can choose backpack setting on/off in the conversation. You can choose weapon drawn setting on/off in the conversation.

You can choose ignore friendly fire setting on/off in the conversation. You can choose ignore combat setting on/off in the conversation. You can choose essential setting on/off in the conversation. You can order to "relax here" followers (except Dogmeat, R元). Most features will set in the conversation with followers. At least, followers will be better than vanilla. *I rely on machine translation because I am not good at english.